Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Don Quixote

Don Quixote
7 p.m. Tuesday, June 11
El Matador Restaurant
606 S Main St  Bountiful
(801) 292-8998


  1. "he who has no intention of paying does not trouble himself about difficulties when he is striking the bargain."

    ~ (Dorothea as she recounts the seduction of Don Fernando in Don Quixote)

  2. "for though they enforced silence upon our tongues they could not impose it upon our pens, which can make known the heart's secrets to a loved one more freely than tongues"

  3. "Tell me what company thou keepest and I'll tell thee what thou art"
    My parents used to quote that all the time to me, so when I would be out late, they never asked me "where" have I been, but "who" was I with. In spanish there is little refrain based on that quote "Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres"
