Thursday, November 21, 2013


Just a quick note: I really had a good time last night.  It seemed like a very festive evening.  I enjoyed learning a bit more about Martha and Deb.  Martha seems very intelligent and a good conversationalist.  Deb has a beautiful smile and her eyes just sparkled.  Kathryn is always fun to be with, she is so animated, and it was really nice that her hubby could come along.  And Amy, thanks for pulling us all together.  What an ecclectic group, and a fun group as well.  And Ivan, what a man.  Thank you so much for your generosity.  Tell Nessie we missed her and are grateful she didn't want to share what she had.  I'm really looking forward to our next get-together in January.  I'm really getting into this group.  Good people!
-- Patty 


It was a fun night, a fun book.  It was interesting to see that the majority of the books our group/club picks are related to that WWII era.  Perhaps, because we love to see how ordinary people do extraordinary things when under the yoke of extreme oppression and distress.  I hope that we never see those horrific scenarios in our lives, but if we do, may we be like the heroines and heroes we have been reading about.  If you think about it, all these heroines and heroes were doing was being true friends to those oppressed and less fortunate.  There is a phrase that I heard, supposedly written in some apocryphal book: “A FAITHFUL FRIEND, IS A STRONG DEFENSE”  I believe in the power of friendship and the enrichment that comes from human connections and interactions.

You enrich my life, I’m so glad we have this club, may we continue to turn pages and keep meeting to both share a meal and exchange ideas and important events in our lives.  I’m going to get the next book this week. :)

Best regards,

Monday, November 18, 2013


Next Book Club Meeting:
11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 11
Place: Feldman’s Deli
    2005 E 2700 S, Salt Lake City, UT 84109

Martha's pick: "Life in a Jar: The Irena Sendler Project," by Jack Mayer

Fun at Archibald's in Gardner Village!

AWESOME Book Club meet! :)